The first one was sold out and so fun that we’re hosting another one! A wine tasting at the Venice studio. Up to 12 slots for each time window to keep it safe and spread out. The fun happens with local Ventura | Santa Barbara wine maker CAVALETTI
$20 per person, each session is 90 minutes.
We will have two sessions most likely 2pm and 3:30pm.
Discounts will be offered on bottles after the tasting as well as 20% off any TINY BANDIT goods.
1 White, 1 Rose and 3 Reds will be on the menu + beautiful snacks
Hand sanitizing mandatory upon entry into the studio.
Masks required for entry but may be removed while tasting.
Social distancing plan in effect. Each attendee will receive a COMFORT LEVEL STICKER to be worn that lets other guests know your comfort level during an in person event. Chose from either GREEN for I’m comfortable with people near me. YELLOW for please try to be mindful of your proximity of me or RED for please respect me and stay 6’ away with very limited interaction.