These rich red rough stones offer bold vibrant color and energy. Sometimes referred to as opaque Chalcedony. Often said to provide stimulating and protective properties for both our physical and spiritual realms. Associated with the lower Sacral and Root chakras, Red Jasper offers grounding energy to help you operate from a safe balanced state of mind.
Who needs it? People entering competitions, Mom’s who have children driving them nuts, New homes or businesses, Anyone who feels stuck, just had a break up or is healing from a surgery. Each crystal has been bathed in Himalayan Sea Salt and charged in the California sunshine for good vibes.
100% Natural (not dyed) from India. Shades of deep brick red and hints of rusty orange. Some have small dark banding veins. *We wet the crystals for photos to bring out the bright red hue. DRY, THE COLOR IS MORE EARTHY.
Aprox 1.5” each. No two are identical but all very similar.
Due to price point and time it takes to list loose crystals we only take one image. Thanks for understanding. Keep all small objects away from children.
The metaphysical attributes of crystals haven’t been scientifically proven, but we believe in their good vibrations.