Druzy Geode Cluster

Druzy Geode Cluster
DRUZY GEODE CLUSTER: The heavenly natural crystal slices have hues of a clear opal white to opaque white. These colors are neutral perfection. Dreamy and calming. The healing properties of this high vibration of calcite and quartz crystal stones are magical and should be in everyones home.
Offering a calming vibe that imbues spiritual and emotional restoration, inner peace and harmony. Ideal on a coffee table, atop a stack or art books, in a bedroom, an area of meditation, yoga practice, next to a bathtub or any location you find sanctuary.
100% Natural (not dyed). Ethically harvested and sourced from trusted partners.
Aprox 6 lbs or more!
Keep all small objects away from children. The metaphysical attributes of crystals haven’t been scientifically proven , but we believe in their good vibrations.