Hello and happy 2023 my loves!

I hope everyone has been settling into the new year with grace and ease. It feels like the year just started and it’s already flying by! Makes sense now that we are in Aquarius season. 

Aquarius is the final air sign in the zodiac ruled by Uranus. Uranus is the planet of the future, new technology and inventions. This aligns perfectly with that of Aquarius connecting very much with technology and the ideas of constantly advancing and evolving. The symbol for Aquarius is the water bearer, giving life to the world. Aquarians tend to be innovative, free-spirited, and unique beings. They are truly independent beings who enjoy doing whatever they want when they want. It usually isn’t in a selfish or mean way either. These individualistic beings enjoy wearing our Wander Wild Perfume Oil as they spend their days roaming around and seeking new adventures. The Aquarian creatures are one of the biggest humanitarians of the zodiac. They seek justice and fairness for all, feeling the most fulfilled when being of service to others. 

On January 21st was the new moon in Aquarius, also the same day the planets went direct until mid-April. The energy of this new moon encouraged us to start fresh and welcome new beginnings. This matches the Aquarius energy beautifully as it’s all about changing and growing into something new.  After being in a rut of feeling stuck, things may need a little extra push to get going again. No need to worry, a boost of confidence is on its way!

The February 5th full moon is known as the Snow Full Moon. Historically, the moon got this name from being the time of year with the heaviest snowfall. This full moon is preparing us for strong personalities and heightened confidence. The Leo energy is fierce and can potentially create some drama. Try to combine the new moon Aquarius energy and full moon Leo energy to find new, constructive ways to express intense emotions. Take the time to enjoy a peaceful meditation here at TINY BANDIT. We will be hosting the Snow Full Moon Sound Bath here. Join us!

Tap into the Aquarius energy this season and get started on something new! Try to think outside of the box with your concepts. Let your ideas run free and don’t hold back. A project may start one way and end in a completely different way. That is all okay. The process is all about trial and error, changing to become the best version of whatever it may be. Allow your creativity to flow by wearing one of our Amethyst bracelets. Amethyst is a powerful stone for inspiration and is also the Aquarius birthstone! Another way to connect with the Aquarian energy can be through service. Maybe you can find an organization to volunteer with or something as simple as donating a bag of clothes to a church or Goodwill. Regardless of how you choose to join the Aquarius energy, just do what feels good to you! 

With love and gratitude,
